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Looking Great For Less!

So... you and the sprout are growing and you NEED to get some new clothes.  What to do?

We checked out "The Look For Less" on The Style Network at 9:30pm on Wednesday nights.  Can't stay up that late?  Hit "record mode" on your VCR (whew...gotta love technology).

Elisabeth Filarski (ex-Survivor sweetheart) hosts this show - and the challenge?  Looking great when you don't have money to burn.

It's a great show for anyone who loves a bargain - that's us, girls!

Elisabeth Filarski outlines the hottest trends and tell-alls of how to get the same chic looks without breaking the bank.

Of course, this show is not exactly directed to the pregnant audience, but because they (we like that word) scour the sale racks at the coolest boutiques, dig through vintage-store bins and find hidden treasures at the local drugstore we bellies get the much needed discount and direction that we deserve.

They (that word again) put it all together offering creative tips and clever ideas.

"The Look For Less"
Wednesday, 9:30pm
(check for daily episode repeats)
The Style Network, dedicated to fashion, beauty, home and entertaining.

Go to for exact channel and times in your area.



















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